Register from homepage

To create an Edukasyon account using desktop browser or mobile, simply go to

  1. Click on the hamburger menu beside Explore found on the top right corner of your screen

  2. At the bottom, click or tap LOGIN/REGISTER

  3. Below the Login button, click or tap Register Here

  4. a. Register via Facebook or Google

  5. Click or tap Register with Facebook/Google

  6. Follow the on-screen instructions for signing in your account

  7. You’re all set! Enjoy and good luck with your journey!

b. Register using the form

  1. Follow the on-screen instructions and click or tap Create My Account

  2. Check your email to confirm your registration

  3. You’re all set! You can now navigate, inquire, and apply to schools and scholarships - good luck!

Register from other pages on the website

When using Desktop

  1. Click Sign Up on the upper right corner of your screen

  2. a. Register via Facebook or Google

  1. Click or tap Register with Facebook/Google

  2. Follow the on-screen instructions for signing in your account

  3. You’re all set! Enjoy and good luck with your journey!

b. Register using the form

  1. Follow the on-screen instructions and click or tap Create My Account

  2. Check your email to confirm your registration

  3. You’re all set! You can now navigate, inquire, and apply to schools and scholarships - good luck!

When using Mobile

  1. Tap the hamburger menu on the upper left corner of your screen

  2. Tap Sign Up at the bottom of the list

  3. a. Register via Facebook or Google

  1. Click or tap Register with Facebook/Google

  2. Follow the on-screen instructions for signing in your account

  3. You’re all set! Enjoy and good luck with your journey!

b. Register using the form

  1. Follow the on-screen instructions and click or tap Create My Account

  2. Check your email to confirm your registration

  3. You’re all set! You can now navigate, inquire, and apply to schools and scholarships - good luck!